--This event is ONLY for Mentors-- 

Dear Mentors,

** We decided to reorganize the Mentor Camp 2020 at Velence. The reason for this is that Etyek is mostly an open-air place (with very little indoor space and sleeping opportunity). On the other hand, we know the place at Velence (we had many camps there), there's heating, enough indoor place and sleeping opportunity. We thought it would be more comfortable for everyone to go there (concerning the current cold weather as well). **

But don't forget: Our theme this year is Woodstock, so come and join us on an unforgettable Woodstock experience

And what are the headlines of Woodstock?

Well, don't worry we're preparing with a bunch of things, including team-buildings, workshops and games to get to know the organisation and to make new friendships (with whom you can take out your mentees in the future ;)

Place & Time:  !CHANGED!
Velence, Angyalföldi Önkormányzat Ifjúsági Tábora, on the 17th and 18th of October. Yes, it is a one-day event from moring until morning so prepare yourself;)

How to indicate whether you stay the night or going home with the last train? Pay at our office the exact amount of participation fee (in cash!) as follows: 

- If you stay the night: 5000 HUF (this means party until curfew, heated accommodation with beds, toiletries and breakfast)
- If you're coming but you will GO HOME at night, it costs 3000 HUF (so you have to pay the original price).

And what's included?

  • Workshops and plenaries 
  • ESN ELTE Merch
  • Dinner
  • Breakfast
  • Wine from a local winery *if it's not suited for you please bring your own drink*
  • Party

If you're interested, please register below!

Registration deadline: 14th of October 

Payment deadline: 14-16th of October (You can pay at the ESN ELTE Office with cash only!)

An important thing about PAYMENT: For those who are on the waiting list, payment is available from the 14-16th of October, in a first-pay, first come method. 

We will provide you with more detailed information on how to go to Velence what to bring exactly, and you will receive a Survival Guide shortly after registration as well! But if you have an urgent question you can write to info@esnelte.hu or event@esnelte.hu.

The Volunteers of ESN ELTE

Sunday, 4 October, 2020 - 19:45 to Wednesday, 14 October, 2020 - 23:45
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