Image of Pub Quiz #1 - Secrets of Budapest

Dear International Students,

We are more than happy to announce our first pub quiz of the semester!
We will ask useful and/or funny things about our lovely Budapest (so you might learn something new).

Please bring a pen to be able to answer the quiz questions!

What is more, you can get drinks for 15% off - sounds good, isn't it?

Time: 2020.09.10, 19:00 CEST.
Place: Beer & Burger Cocktail Bar (1075, Kazinczy u. 52/A)

Since the number of participants is limited, you need to register here:

We've reached the maximum number of participants to this event so the registration is closed!

If you feel ill or you're potentially infected with COVID-19, we kindly ask you to stay at home for your own and others' health.

Thank you for your understanding!

The Volunteers of ESN ELTE

10/09/2020 - 19:00
Meeting Point: 
Beer & Burger Cocktail Bar
Kazinczy u. 52/A
The event is free!
Contact details: